
More than 10 years have passed…

What has happened ever since?

Although my initial trip to Iran was a deeply healing experience for me, eventually I became so arrogant. I thought I could defy the „laws of life“ everyone is constrained by. The positive and spiritual experience also dipped into empowering my ego. When I came back from Iran I lost my humbleness. And I broke relationships with some of my best friends.

And then, when I went back to Iran with two big suitcases to reunite with the love of my life and to ask her father for her hand in marriage, I determined my path for the next 10 years to come.

Eventually, I married her and returned to Vienna to live there and to be able to provide for her. But then something happened that I did not expect: For being able to live with her and to provide for her, I started to change my personal path in life – a barefoot doctor lives a very modest life ;)

She did not expect all of that from me. If anything, she always asked me not to change my path for her. But to become a „good husband“, I believed I had to give up almost everything for my love but moreover, for myself. And along the way, I lost myself and became a bad husband and an awful companion. I lost my humbleness. I lost my flow. I was „out of sync“ with life.

I grew weaker and weaker!

I made myself a victim of my love, my new life, my new obligations.

I grew needy, I poisoned myself, I started to hate my life, I became a zombie and numb. And I became so frustrated with my life and myself.

Somehow I regressed into a child-like state!

Gone were the days when I traveled the world with a small backpack. The day’s when I only needed a torch, a knife, a sleeping bag, three t-shirts and two pants and my acupuncture needles ;) Suddenly my priorities changed and I exchanged these things with a car, a nice apartment, a big flatscreen TV, the latest iPhone, tailor-made suits, a Montblanc pen and other stuff I never had considered to have any value to me. And I became fat - really fat.

I started various projects. Many of them were successful but none of them sustainable. Looking back now it is obvious why: I started to fool myself, to clown myself and not to be true to myself no more. I started to force things to happen, rather than accepting what life had to offer to me, accepting what is here and now.

Some of my friends were highly irritated. They did not understand what had happened to me. And my wife… she somehow thought she was deceived by me and that the guy she originally met, never really existed.

I lost respect for myself. My wife lost respect for me and even some of my closest friend started treating me disrespectfully.

Remember King Théoden who was poisoned by Wormtongue and grew weaker and weaker until Gandalf cast a spell on him so he returned to his senses?

In my case Gandalf was my wife. And her „spell“ was her telling me she wanted to leave me.

At first I was in horror of the nightmare I have created for my wife and myself for the last 10 years. Don’t misunderstand me, I learned a lot, however, I created a world of self-pity, self-sabotage, misfortune, failure and dissatisfaction.

But now has come the time I stopped pitting my life and myself.

I have no time to waste no more. I have no time for ‚maybes‘ anymore.

I’m the creator of my life!


No, trippin again…

I’m back 😜



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