Reality Check III
VIE - long day, long night... I finally arrive at Vienna airport!
Vienna is hot... it's hotter than hot... it's hotter than India!
Arriving in Vienna... it really feels good this time... I stay quiet for three days... on the fourth I meet the usual suspects at a graduation party!
Welcome back to Vienna!
How long will I stay?
I really enjoy Vienna this time... well, it's summertime!
And then... a nine day "retreat"...
ReAliTy CHecK!!!
I'm like a fat, lazy politician with a pumped up ego who's clowning himself!
I get disillusioned by the one who called himself my master!
It's true... I'm fat and lazy and I truly have a pumped-up ego...
That's something to work with... here and now... not looking for something to come up in the future!
I leave in respect!
One last week in Vienna... short but intense!
I can't get no sleep...
I feel like in a dream!
Twenty eight years have passed... my father meets his best friend again...
A family reunites!
And then... an unexpected job offer!
So at last... might I really become a big, fat, lazy politician with a pumped-up ego?
Well, for now I'm back to India...
Vienna is hot... it's hotter than hot... it's hotter than India!
Arriving in Vienna... it really feels good this time... I stay quiet for three days... on the fourth I meet the usual suspects at a graduation party!
Welcome back to Vienna!
How long will I stay?
I really enjoy Vienna this time... well, it's summertime!
And then... a nine day "retreat"...
ReAliTy CHecK!!!
I'm like a fat, lazy politician with a pumped up ego who's clowning himself!
I get disillusioned by the one who called himself my master!
It's true... I'm fat and lazy and I truly have a pumped-up ego...
That's something to work with... here and now... not looking for something to come up in the future!
I leave in respect!
One last week in Vienna... short but intense!
I can't get no sleep...
I feel like in a dream!
Twenty eight years have passed... my father meets his best friend again...
A family reunites!
And then... an unexpected job offer!
So at last... might I really become a big, fat, lazy politician with a pumped-up ego?
Well, for now I'm back to India...