In Fear (of War)
Tehran, Iran
Thirteen days left to leave the country if I don’t want to serve the Iranian military for two years…
I’ve been here for two and a half months now. I’ve seen a lot. I feel like this is the most important experience of my life!
These days some people are urging me to leave Iran as soon as possible. There is talk of the US striking soon...
I’m not too sure about that!
So what do I do?
Thirteen days left and I have one more trip planned, checking out the Persian Gulf. I feel like this final trip is really important for me. Not because I want to see the Persian Gulf but I feel like there is still something I need to experience here in Iran.
Otherwise I would simply leave…
So do I give my family and friends a hard time for these two weeks to come or do I betray my own beliefs?
I don’t believe in acting by fear!
Not that I don’t and I haven’t done so in the past but I try not to base my decisions on fear.
If I had done so in the past I still would have had a job that I didn’t really like and have some future perspective that was perhaps no real perspective.
If I had done so in the past I wouldn’t be “On a Trip”, I wouldn’t be in Iran right now and I wouldn’t have a future perspective I really love.
It’s not that I am especially courageous… no, no, I am scared… but simply I feel like not acting by fear! I feel like if I live my life by fear I don’t really live! I feel like I have to stay! I have to go on this final trip!
So maybe I am just stupid and someone should punch me in my head and put me on a plane.
But one thing I learned on this trip is to live every single moment of life the very moment… and trust life!
I try to do so and for the last six months it worked out quite fine...
So even if I should be forced to serve Iran’s military or even die, I die happy ;)
Thirteen days left to leave the country if I don’t want to serve the Iranian military for two years…
I’ve been here for two and a half months now. I’ve seen a lot. I feel like this is the most important experience of my life!
These days some people are urging me to leave Iran as soon as possible. There is talk of the US striking soon...
I’m not too sure about that!
So what do I do?
Thirteen days left and I have one more trip planned, checking out the Persian Gulf. I feel like this final trip is really important for me. Not because I want to see the Persian Gulf but I feel like there is still something I need to experience here in Iran.
Otherwise I would simply leave…
So do I give my family and friends a hard time for these two weeks to come or do I betray my own beliefs?
I don’t believe in acting by fear!
Not that I don’t and I haven’t done so in the past but I try not to base my decisions on fear.
If I had done so in the past I still would have had a job that I didn’t really like and have some future perspective that was perhaps no real perspective.
If I had done so in the past I wouldn’t be “On a Trip”, I wouldn’t be in Iran right now and I wouldn’t have a future perspective I really love.
It’s not that I am especially courageous… no, no, I am scared… but simply I feel like not acting by fear! I feel like if I live my life by fear I don’t really live! I feel like I have to stay! I have to go on this final trip!
So maybe I am just stupid and someone should punch me in my head and put me on a plane.
But one thing I learned on this trip is to live every single moment of life the very moment… and trust life!
I try to do so and for the last six months it worked out quite fine...
So even if I should be forced to serve Iran’s military or even die, I die happy ;)
when you look at the past, when you study history ...
you can clearly see how easy it is to manipulate the masses. The history of the Persian Empire and the situation of Iran at the present time - show a good example of how easy it is to manipulate facts, masses and history!
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ... We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ... In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons ... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind. - Propaganda by Edward L. Bernays
one world - one life - think about it!